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Free Short Stage Scripts

Comedy, Funny, Humorous Skits

"Hipster Hobos" by D. M. Larson
A short funny script skit
(sketch comedy stage play)

The scene is written for 6 actors but can be done with more or less. The script is written for at least 1 male and 1 female, but can be done with any gender. The Hipsters can be any gender and any number.

Purchase a low cost PDF of this play script at
(Purchasing a book or PDF of this script gives you the rights to use for: Auditions, Classrooms, Workshops and Camps)

This scene is from the play "When Mel Fell for Nell" ISBN-13: 978-1512007183
free online full length play script comedy

"Fart-Zen" (free play preview) - very short comedy for three or more actors (any gender) from the play "The Weird, Wild and Wonderful Days of School" ISBN-13: 978-1482739626 Low Cost PDF of script (Purchasing a book or PDF of this script gives you the rights to use for: Auditions, Classrooms, Workshops and Camps)

"Rock, Sword, Firecracker!" (Free play preview) Short comedy skit about the legend behind the game of Rock, Scissors, Paper. 3+ actors (any gender) from a published play "The Weird, Wild and Wonderful Days of School" ISBN-13: 978-1482739626 Low Cost PDF of script

"The Princess's New Clothes" (free play preview) Short comedy play for 7-11+ actors - What happens when a princess wants to wear too many clothes? Low cost PDF of script or a Word Document version you can edit Sellfy Word doc

"Silent but Deadly" - Short comedy stage play script for 3 actors

"Touched by an Alien" (free play preview) Short comedy skit about space explorers that discover a new kind of alien. 5 actors of any gender (plus possible non-speaking roles) from "Between Good and Evil" ISBN-13: 978-1502982308 Low cost PDF of script

Short Funny Comedy Plays

"Waiting for Gal Gadot" a short one act duologue stage play script for one male and one female actor about meeting your hero. Buy a low cost PDF of the scene or get the full play "Losers in Love" by D. M. Larson ISBN: 9781549653186 or find a PDF of the full script on (Purchasing a book or PDF of this script gives you the rights to use for: Auditions, Classrooms, Workshops and Camps)

Scene from "The Hysterical History of Cleopatra" (free script preview) - short comedy play about the famous Egyptian Queen - for 9 or more actors (as few as 7 with doubling) 2-4 females and 4-6 of any gender. Buy a low cost PDF at

Free Short Stage Scripts Comedy, Funny, Humorous Skits

"The Magic Coin and the Lemonade Stand" is a short skit about two kids who want to help a family in need in their neighborhood. Find a low cost PDF on

"The Three Marauders" (free preview) (short script for 8 actors - any gender) - purchase a low cost PDF of the scene on (PDF) or a Word document copy you can edit (and includes the royalty cost) at

"Underdog (aka Fight Me)" - comedy for two actors (2 males with possible non-speaking female extras) from the published play "The Ghosts of Detention"ISBN-13: 978-1499111309

"Music Maybe" short comedy play for four actors about an all drummer rock group - "male version" or "female version" available on Amazon.comISBN-13: 978-1519120106

"Blinded by the Knight" A short comedy play about a nervous nerd looking for love in a comic book store (for 2-4 males and 2-4 females = 6 total or 5 with doubling) from "Between Good and Evil" ISBN-13: 978-1502982308

"Monster Survival Skills During A Gremlin Outbreak" - Short comedy stage play script for 3 or more actors from the play "Control the Future" ISBN-13: 978-1540666581

"Cell Phone Zombies" Short sketch comedy skit about cell phones and time travel. Written for 4 actors of either gender and options for several extra actors from the play "Control the Future" ISBN-13: 978-1540666581

"Worrying About the Future (A Comedy)" is a scene from the play "Control the Future" ISBN-13: 978-1540666581This is a short play script for two either (male or female - one child actor and one adult character - or it could be two siblings - one older and one younger).

"Pain Scale" A wacky comedy scene for two actors any gender but written for 2 men from the play "Control the Future" ISBN-13: 978-1540666581

"Stung" A short comedy about someone who wants to be one with nature but nature doesn't like her. (4 speaking parts with possible extras) from "Between Good and Evil" ISBN-13: 978-1502982308

"Looks Get in the Way" Short comedy about finding the perfect person. 2-3 m 1-2 w (4 total) from "3 Short Comedy Scripts" ISBN-13: 978-1546726845

"Hippies, Housewives, and Watering Holes" - 10 minute play - 2 w 1 m

"Chile Pepper Chicks" Short comedy about a couple of guys who meet their favorite country singer. 3m 3w

"Pity the Fool" Short play about an artist looking for some pity. 2 m 2 w. from a published play "The Weird, Wild and Wonderful Days of School" ISBN-13: 978-1482739626

"Gossip" Short Comedy (teen version) - 5 actors
Version for adult actors from a published play "The Weird, Wild and Wonderful Days of School" ISBN-13: 978-1482739626

"Peggy the Pint Sized Pirate"
A play for all ages from "The Pint Sized Pirate" ISBN-13: 978-1511496377

"The Hysterical History of the Great Depression" What if one of the most corrupt judges of the Great Depression put Al Capone on trial? (9-11 speaking roles, unlimited extras) from the play "Mystery of the Gangster Ghost"

"The Boy Who Cried Genie" A short play about a guy who wishes he didn't get wishes. 1-2 males, 4-5 females from a published play "The Weird, Wild and Wonderful Days of School" ISBN-13: 978-1482739626

"Screamy Youie Kicky Booty" Short comedy. 1m 1w 1 other

"Bad Air" Short Comedy - 2 actors (1 male and 1 female)

"Ghost Hunters of Route 666" - Short Comedy - 2 w 3 m from the play "Mystery of the Gangster Ghost"

"Seeing Beyond with Maya Fantasma" - Short Comedy - 3 w 1 m from the play "Mystery of the Gangster Ghost"

"Waiting on Trains" A bum thinks a business woman is God. 3 actors (any gender)

"Heart Attack" Short play about a good man who finally gets rewarded and the woman who saves him from a heart attack. 2 m 2 w. from the published play "Secrets of My Soul" ISBN-13: 978-1493533589

short drama script skit play

"Kiss Me, I'm Irish" Short comedy about love and stereotypes. 3w 1m from a published play "The Weird, Wild and Wonderful Days of School" ISBN-13: 978-1482739626

short comedy script play skit for four actors

"Polly Wants a Cracker" A short play for two actors (one man, one woman, optional non-speaking extras) from a published play "The Weird, Wild and Wonderful Days of School" ISBN-13: 978-1482739626

short romantic comedy script play skit for two actors

"A Hysterical History of the American Revolution" Short comedy for ten+ actors.

NEW IN 2021!

"Unicorn Sneezes" (free play preview) Short comedy play for 4-5 actors

Low cost PDF of script

or a Word Document version you can edit Sellfy Word doc

NEW IN 2021!

"Goodnight Princess" (Sleepless in Fairytale Land (free play preview) Comedy play for 14-24+ actors

A princess can't sleep and calls on all everyone in fairytale land to help. With appearances by Sleeping Beauty, Red Riding Hood, Big Bad Wolf, Boy Who Cried Wolf, Alice of Wonderland, Mad Hatter, Queen of Hearts, Princess and the Pea, Goldilocks and the 3 Bears, Snow White and Rip Van Winkle.

Low cost PDF of script

or a Word Document version you can edit Sellfy Word doc

NEW IN 2020!

"The Princess's New Clothes" (free play preview) Short comedy play for 7-11+ actors

What happens when a princess wants to wear too many clothes?

Low cost PDF of script

or a Word Document version you can edit Sellfy Word doc

NEW IN 2020! "The Princess and the Pea" - A comedy script for the whole family with 12 actors (100% free preview and low cost PDF available and includes a bonus fill in blank MadScript called The Princess and the Blank) or purchase a Word document version you can edit with performance royalty at this link:

"I Think I'm A Stalker"
by D. M. Larson

(JANE enters cafe' and goes up to JENNY)

Hey, Jane. You're usual?

Sure... have you seen Tony?

You just missed him.


Something wrong?

I had an awkward moment this morning.

Tony wet the bed again?

Very funny. Never mind.

I'm sorry. You can talk to me. We're practically almost sisters.

We are?

I figure Tony and Frank are almost like brothers and we're in serious relationships with them so we're nearly almost sisters now.

Well... I had the weirdest revelation this morning.

Do tell? Wait, let me guess. Was it that you realized how pretty Tony is and if you put him in a dress that he'd look a little too good as a woman?

What? No! What are you talking about?

Never mind. I have weird thoughts like that.

I think I'm doing something pretty weird too.

Really? Please tell me.

No jokes if I do.

I promise.

I think I'm a stalker.

This is good. Who are you stalking?


But... you already got him.

But I'm doing creepy stuff like putting pictures of him on my wall. He showed me all these old pictures of him from when he was in high school and college and I kept some of them. I woke up and looked all the pictures on my bedroom wall and suddenly felt like a stalker. I wonder if I'm creeping him out.

Trust me... he's very into you... he loves being stalked by you.

I hope so.

I know so.

Thanks Jenny. But promise me you'll tell me if I'm getting too creepy.

As long as you don't start knitting things out of his hair, then we're okay.


You're not are you?

No! I was only kidding. Tell Tony I was looking for him.

Why don't you text him or something?

No cell phone. I'm finally free of the financial and invasive stress of having one.

I don't think I could live without my phone.

Not only do I live without mine. I live better.

Everyone here is living... I think.

(Everyone in the cafe is on some kind of electronic device)

We should all get together some time and unplug. It could be fun.

Hmmm... I don't know.

(JENNY gives JANE her drink)

Thanks for the drink. I better go. I think I have somewhere to be. Maybe I'll take a walk in the park while I try to remember where it was.

(JANE leaves happily. JENNY looks at her phone and all the people in the cafe on their phones. She sighs and goes back to work)


Copyright (c) 2017 All Rights Reserved


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Important Copyright Notice

These scripts may be used for FREE but PLEASE do NOT repost the TEXT of any script online in any way. Students, actors, teachers and student may use the scripts for acting or classroom activities and even videos, but do NOT repost them on the internet. Please link to the scripts on the website. We love that! But these scripts are published and protected by copyright (c) 2001-2018 so do not upload the text of a script. Performing the scripts for an audience or on a video is totally okay. Just be sure to credit the author and our website ( Thank you!

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